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Explore Wallex

Tailor a unique financial strategy with our suite of solutions. Discover features, benefits, and comparisons – everything you need to make the right choice.

For Everyday

If you are someone who values personal touch and independence freedom, here is our Neobanking solution to cover your expectations. You can manage and spend your crypto and fiat anywhere, anytime and by Card. Your custom IBAN will enable the automated processing of transactions. And more, ensuring that your money works for you, our savings and annual interest will earn extra income. Great, right?

Neobanking ->

For the Future

If innovation is the heartbeat of your financial journey, then Smart Custody is your destination. This is not just a custodial wallet, it is a revolutionary engineered for the modern era hot wallet, crafted for instant deposit, storage, and effortless spending through an elegant card interface. Welcome to a world where Smart Custody sets the standard for smooth and secure crypto utilization.

Smart Custody ->

For Asset Safeguarding

Investments are more accessible than ever thanks to the Custody Pro. If you are more focused on custody of assets, our advanced solution is designed for easy management of digital assets, providing a range of services and tools for maximum security and accessibility. This solution grants you the flexibility to surf between traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies at the single click of a button.

Moreover, you have the versatility to select our Smart Custody or Self Custody options, bringing together the full spectrum of features within the Wallex Ecosystem.

Smart Custody -> Custody Pro -> Self Custody ->

For Professionals

If you are an investor or if your institution is on the lookout for business prospects, we have the right solution designed for you. Ensuring high limits and deep liquidity for your traditional and digital assets, Wallex Prime emphasizes optimal execution for large trades, ensuring speed and obtaining the best market prices. Experience smooth business expansion and portfolio management with Multi-Asset Accounts, reliable internal controls, and comprehensive risk management.

Prime Corporate -> Prime Private ->

For Freedom and Security

If your passion is decentralized assets, Self Custody is the right direction for enthusiasts yearning for the perfect harmony between the freedom to manage their keys and the security to protect their assets. In the realm of self-managed cold wallets, you can easily set up and manage your digital assets, sending, receiving, and storing with unparalleled ease – all while maintaining complete control and ownership.

Self Custody ->

Learn More: Uncover Wallex's Product Universe


Wallex Neobanking - Experience the next generation of finance.

Our cutting-edge digital platform transforming how individuals and businesses engage with cryptocurrencies and traditional financial services.

Seamlessly integrate Virtual IBANs, Debit Cards, Crypto Savings Plans, and Rewards within the Wallex ecosystem. Benefit from a feature-rich Multicurrency Wallet supporting diverse cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, offering a comprehensive solution for secure storage and effortless management.

With Wallex's Integrated Debit Card System, effortlessly spend your cryptocurrencies in real-world scenarios, leveraging the convenience and acceptance of traditional payment networks. Save and earn interest on your crypto holdings through Personalized Savings Plans, offering competitive rates and flexible terms to enhance financial growth.

Unlock additional perks with Wallex's Rewards Program, earning cryptocurrency cashback for your spending, fostering adoption, and encouraging active engagement within the platform. Utilize the user-friendly and efficient Crypto-Swapping feature to diversify your digital asset portfolios and capitalize on market opportunities.

Benefit from Auto-Conversion, instantly converting incoming crypto transfers to fiat to mitigate market volatility. Enjoy secure and reliable Fiat-to-Crypto and Crypto-to-Fiat exchanges, allowing easy conversion between traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies with competitive rates.

Empower yourself with crypto payments directly from the Wallex Neobanking App, leveraging the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies for fast and secure transactions. Neobanking ensures a smooth user experience, providing easy-to-use payment features, QR Code (Send & Receive), and transaction tracking.

Jump into the future of finance – embrace Wallex Neobanking and redefine your financial journey.

Custody Pro

Wallex Custody Pro - Your advanced financial custodian.

Uncover the epitome of financial sophistication with Custody Pro, a revolutionary custody solution meticulously crafted to fulfil the intricacies of managing and leveraging Digital Assets. Presenting an ensemble of services and tools, this groundbreaking solution amalgamates security, accessibility, and efficiency to redefine the management and protection of your digital resources.

Embark on a unique financial journey with our Multi-Currency Crypto and Fiat accounts. Wallex presents an opulent Multicurrency Wallet, embracing an extensive array of cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat currencies. Immerse yourself in the convenience of securely storing and managing your digital assets and fiat currencies within the Custody Pro App — an integrated modern application with an adjustable control, tailored to your financial desires.

Elevate your financial strategy with Wallex's innovative Saving Plans in Crypto. Venture into a world of financial potential. Save and earn interest on your cryptocurrency holdings, benefiting from competitive rates and flexible terms for substantial growth. Explore the world of Crypto Swapping, a user-friendly and efficient feature that facilitates the exchange of one cryptocurrency for another. Diversify your digital asset portfolios, capitalize on market opportunities, and manage your crypto holdings effortlessly—all within the Wallex Custody Pro.

Experience the brilliance of Auto-Conversion, safeguarding your funds from crypto market volatility. Automatically convert incoming crypto transfers to fiat, ensuring a stable and reliable financial standing.

Engage in secure and reliable Fiat-to-Crypto and Crypto-to-Fiat Exchanges with Custody Pro. Effortlessly convert between traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, benefitting from competitive exchange rates. Whether it's for investment endeavors or everyday expenses, Wallex ensures a smooth and reliable exchange experience.

Empower your financial transactions with Wallex's Crypto Payments feature. Pay and receive payments in cryptocurrencies directly from the Custody Pro App. Leverage the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies for fast and secure transactions, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries. Enjoy a hassle-free experience at Wallex, where intuitive payment features, QR Code functionality for both sending and receiving, and transparent transaction tracking are guaranteed.

Wallex Custody Pro - Redefining financial custodianship, elevating your digital asset experience.

Smart Custody

Wallex Smart Custody - An intuitive digital asset management solution.

Exquisitely constructed to redefine the financial landscape. Harmoniously integrating state-of-the-art technology, Smart Custody provides a user-friendly and sophisticated platform that enables users to harness the full potential of their digital assets.

Embark on a journey of financial advancement with Wallex's Multi-Currency Crypto and Fiat Wallet. Reveal the convenience of a feature-rich wallet that smoothly supports a diverse range of cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat currencies. Manage your digital assets and fiat holdings seamlessly within the Smart Custody App, offering an all-encompassing solution to meet your financial aspirations.

Immerse yourself in the future of spending with Wallex's integrated Debit Card System. Enhance your financial transactions by effortlessly utilizing your cryptocurrencies in real-world scenarios, leveraging the widespread acceptance of traditional payment networks.

Delve into new horizons of financial growth with Smart Custody’s Saving Plans in Crypto. Empower your financial portfolio with competitive interest rates and flexible terms, allowing you to tap into the potential for substantial growth in your cryptocurrency holdings.

Unleash the potential for rewards with Wallex, as the Smart Custody App incentivizes active engagement within the ecosystem by offering Cashback in Cryptocurrency for your spending. Capitalize on the benefits of adoption and unlock new opportunities for financial gain.

Effortlessly navigate the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape with Smart Custody's user-friendly Crypto Swapping Feature. Diversify your digital asset portfolios, capitalize on market opportunities, and manage your crypto holdings seamlessly within the single click.

Discover the convenience of Auto-Conversion, a groundbreaking feature that preserves your funds from crypto market volatility by smoothly converting incoming crypto transfers to fiat.

Wallex ensures a secure and dependable experience with Fiat-to-Crypto and Crypto-to-Fiat exchanges. Convert between traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, whether it's for investment purposes or everyday expenses. Benefit from competitive exchange rates and a smooth financial experience.

In addition to our set of features, Wallex Smart Custody offers an Easy-to-Use App that puts the power of customization in your hands. Easily adjust settings and personalize your experience as needed. Meet the future of financial management with Smart Custody – Where innovation meets empowerment.

Get Started ->

Self Custody

Wallex Self Custody - The power of complete control and ownership.

Our non-custodial wallet is for clients who prioritize managing their wallet keys and safeguarding their information securely. The self-managed wallet offers ease of use and setup, empowering customers to effortlessly navigate the world of cryptocurrencies while retaining complete control over their digital assets.

Key Management Redefined:

With Wallex Self Custody, customers keep control over two out of three keys, ensuring security measures in an offline environment. By initiating and half-signing transactions offline before uploading them for countersigning, users maintain the integrity of their keys without compromising security.

  • Backup Key: Generated online and stored by You. Used for recovery.

  • Backup Key: Generated online and stored on the Platform. Used to co-sign transactions.

  • Platform Key: Generated offline and stored by You. Used to co-sign transactions.

Experience unparalleled flexibility with Wallex Self Custody, allowing instant deposits and withdrawals from anywhere at any time. Transfer your assets across different wallets with utmost ease and convenience.

Enjoy the freedom and flexibility to swap between your favorite cryptocurrencies effortlessly with the upcoming "Swap" feature. Move your assets within our secure platform without any hassle.

Facilitate transactions with Self Custody, offering support for over 100+ cryptocurrencies. Whether you are paying or receiving payments, our platform delivers a streamlined and reliable experience, empowering you to conduct transactions with ease and assurance.

Discover the future of self-managed wallets with Wallex Self Custody – where security, convenience, and control converge to redefine the way you manage your digital assets. Join us on this revolutionary journey towards financial empowerment and take charge of your crypto journey like never before.

Get Started ->

Prime Private

Wallex Private - Merge traditional banking with the dynamic world.

At the heart of this innovative platform is a commitment to personalized service, ensuring that each client receives first-class assistance from a dedicated account manager. These managers are adept at understanding and addressing the unique financial needs and aspirations of individual clients, offering guidance and advice every step of the way.

One of the hallmarks of Wallex Private is its array of exclusive benefits designed to enhance your experience. These include the ability to effortlessly top up accounts from both crypto and fiat, enjoy generous spending limits, and even earn rewards for crypto transactions.

Moreover, you have the advantage of a dedicated IBAN for fast and efficient transactions.

Beyond personalized service and exclusive benefits, Private places a strong emphasis on trust, security, and adaptability in financial decision-making. With the ability to customize credit limits and lending terms, you gain peace of mind while traversing the intricate landscape of digital assets.

Furthermore, Wallex Private offers a range of specialized services to meet the diverse needs of each person. For those seeking to execute significant cryptocurrency trades with minimal market impact, the OTC Desk provides a solution. Additionally, you can access crypto-backed loans with favorable terms, including a 0% annual interest rate and comprehensive safeguards against market volatility.

The Smart Portfolio feature allows you to integrate funding with trading activities, expanding your cryptocurrency portfolio through a credit line. Finally, for those who are looking to build long-term wealth, our platform offers dedicated saving plans in crypto, providing a structured approach to investment and financial growth.

With Wallex Private, you gain more than just access to the world of cryptocurrencies—you gain a trusted partner committed to your financial success.

Wallex Private - Maximize your performance.

Prime Corporate

Wallex Prime - Designed with precision for investors and institutions.

Navigating digital assets just got easier with Wallex Prime's comprehensive suite of services, expertly crafted to cater to the nuanced needs of investors and institutions alike.

At the core of Wallex Prime lies a set of solutions for a diverse clientele encompassing financial institutions, corporates, investors, funds, liquidity providers, and high-volume private clients. With a commitment to excellence, we offer unparalleled benefits including unlimited asset custody fortified by state-of-the-art security measures ensuring the utmost protection for your accounts and funds. Our trading platform caters to the demands of astute investors seeking swift execution and deep liquidity, all at minimal fees.

For each distinct category of clients, Prime delivers personalized approaches to their unique requirements. From White-Label offerings to treasury management and integrated trading-custody solutions, we provide a spectrum of services aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and fostering growth.

Prime Brokerage services epitomize our commitment to facilitating transactions with the best possible execution, rapid trade completion, and optimal market pricing. We offer full-service trading support bolstered by a robust infrastructure, Multi-Asset Accounts, and risk management protocols, empowering you to manage your portfolio with confidence.

Our Asset Custody solutions provide unlimited storage within a secure Hot and Cold Wallet architecture, leveraging innovative technology to ensure operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Wallex Prime also ventures into the realm of crypto lending, enabling users to lend and borrow digital assets while accessing alternative liquidity avenues. Whether engaging with DeFi lending protocols or initiating fast loans with competitive fees, our platform empowers users to optimize their portfolios with ease.

And more, our Pay solutions offer integration for cryptocurrency payments across various channels including point-of-sale, e-commerce, and invoicing, providing flexibility in managing financial transactions.

Wallex Prime - The ultimate choice for top-notch financial management.

Keep in mind that each product in Wallex Ecosystem has different use cases and you have no limits to using all of them to build your financial future.

Looking for more insights on Wallex? Simply select the next page.

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