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Wealth Management

Digital asset investment services for wealthy investors.

Our Strategy

Our investment strategy covers all aspects of traditional to digital finance, from cryptocurrencies FX to blockchain innovation giving our investors unique access to the vibrant growth and value generation in this rapidly evolving sector.


We track the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency without directly holding it.

The strategy of our fund typically revolves around accurately tracking the price movements of Bitcoin while providing liquidity, security, and ease of trading for investors. Our Fund managers may employ various tactics to achieve the goal, or physical holdings of Bitcoin.

The primary goal is to provide investors with a convenient and regulated way to invest in Bitcoin, mitigating some of the risks associated with directly owning and storing the cryptocurrency.

The Wallex group of companies that manage private alternative funds is registered on the list of entities engaging in asset management activities similar to those under Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended ("ZISIF"), maintained by the Czech National Bank ("CNB") in accordance with Section 596(e) of ZISIF. Wallex's activities are not subject to CNB regulatory supervision. Wallex's asset management services are exclusively intended for a private circle of approached investors who qualify as investors under Section 272 of ZISIF. Wallex does not publicly offer investments, nor does it solicit assets from the general public. Furthermore, Wallex does not provide any principal investment services or ancillary investment services such as custody and management of investment instruments for customers, as defined in Act No. 256/2004 Coll., on Capital Market Business, as amended ("ZPKT"). The information contained herein is not intended to represent any investment instruments or investment services. None of the statements contained herein should be construed as an offer of an investment instrument or any other form of investment under ZPKT or ZISIF.

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