Invoice Builder

Send your customers a link to complete a payment in crypto.

Invoice Basics

Creating a crypto invoice is straightforward with our builder. Here's a quick overview of the essential fields:

  • Merchant ID*: Unique identifier for your account, ensuring payments are directed correctly.

  • Request Amount*: The total amount to be paid in cryptocurrency.

  • Invoice*: A reference or invoice number for tracking the transaction.

  • Tax Amount: Specify any applicable taxes to be added to the total.

  • Collect Shipping Address: Option to request the buyer's shipping details.

  • Shipping Cost: Add any shipping charges to the invoice.

  • IPN URL (Optional): Provide a custom URL for instant payment notifications, or leave blank to use the default.

  • Allow Buyer to Leave a Note: Enable this to let buyers add special instructions or comments.

This guide ensures you set up your invoices accurately, making the payment process seamless for both you and your customers.

For a full list of fields and detailed information please check out the HTML POST Fields page.

Last updated