Integration Testing & Testnet

Luckily, Wallex Pay already has a free cryptocurrency dedicated to testing transactions for your integration – it’s called Litecoin Testnet (LTCT). It’s important to remember that LTCT has no real value, so this test can be completed at no cost to you.

Litecoin Testnet (LTCT)

In the context of a crypto payment gateway, integrating LTCT allows developers to test transaction workflows, simulate different payment scenarios, and identify potential issues. This ensures the system is robust and ready to handle live payments when deployed on the main network.

The benefits of using LTCT include:

  • Risk-free testing: No real assets are involved, making it ideal for experimenting and debugging.

  • Mimicking real-world conditions: LTCT mirrors the functionality of the Litecoin mainnet, giving developers a realistic testing environment.

  • Cost-effective: Since LTCT coins are free, developers can conduct extensive testing without incurring costs.

By leveraging the Litecoin Testnet, your crypto payment gateway can ensure a smooth, secure, and reliable user experience when it transitions to live operations on the main Litecoin network.

Last updated